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Do a Patent Search and Avoid Wasting Time And Money

In the early stages of development for invention, the inventor will need knowledge about how to do a patent search. This is the process of searching past and active patents to ensure someone doesn’t already have a patent for your invention. Patent searching is an involved and time-consuming process, but a necessary part of your patent application process. It makes sense to do this upfront before filing a patent and wasting considerable time and/or large sums of money.

As a guide, a patentability search gives you a strong indication of whether the PTO will grant a patent for your invention. If past history suggests you will qualify for a patent, you can go ahead with investing more resources in your invention. However, if you don’t think it isn’t likely, move on and cut your losses. It can provide a background by using sample patents in the field to display prior art references. This can give you valuable information about your invention and making it better.

Search Online Using the Internet

There are tools that can assist you with how to do a patent search. The internet makes it possible to do a preliminary patent search on the USPTO patent search database. There is also a patent search engine that was recently launched by Google. These sources allow keyword based searches to find an existing patent that comes close to your invention. You can retain the services of a patent attorney or agency, like InventHelp, to get it done quickly. On the other hand, doing it yourself can be done inexpensively.

Hire A Patent Professional

There are people that know how to do a patent search and do it for a living. These professionals are a lay searcher, patent law attorney, and patent agent. Most of them are located in the Washington, DC or Virginia area as this is close to the PTO and depository libraries. Lay searchers will cost about half the cost, but they don’t have to be licensed. So you should exhibit more care in choosing them.

Patent attorneys and agencies like Invent Help, are more qualified because they are both licensed by the PTO to prepare and file patent applications. The only difference between them is that the patent attorney can bring and defend litigation in court. The best way to choose is by personal referral by someone in the same field.

Prepare For The Costs

While learning how to do a patent search doesn’t cost you anything, to actually conduct patent search might. The services of a patent lawyer do not come for free and you will be charged for the patent search and analyzing the results of the intellectual property. The cost of a professional may cost up to $1,500 and is why some people avoid doing one. There have been instances where patent searches cost more than preparation and filing of the application itself.

Learning how to do a patent search can save you time when it comes to the patent application. You need to map out your strategy of where to search and who will do it. This can include a combination of do it yourself or getting professional help.

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Air Compressor Review

Air compressor reviews are probably the best way to find out about the performance of the compressors and they provide a way to decide which one to opt for depending on one’s needs. There are a lot of websites and magazines offering reviews on most of the air compressors available in the market. Before going through the reviews, if possible try to find out if the website is offering impartial reviews on all the products featured there. In case the website is related to the company offering the compressors, there is a chance that the reviews might be biased.

There is a huge market for air compressors and with so many air compressors to choose from, cutting down to the one compressor that best fits your needs can be a daunting task. Generally consumers check out the advertisements and make a decision. With so many advertisements related to so many compressors, even that task is not so easy. The other way is to manually check out the functioning of the air compressors before buying one. Even this requires a lot of patience and time. In this fast paced world, internet has solutions to almost all the problems. Just find a good Air Compressor Buying Guide and narrow down your options before choosing one or go through trade magazines or industry magazines to get an unbiased review.

In case you know someone who is already using an air compressor, they are the best one to consult, as they can give the exact review of the compressor. Just to be sure, go through more than one website or magazine offering reviews before making a decision, so that you do not end up making a wrong decision.


There are two basic things to look for in an air compressor, the air compressor and the medium used in order to run the compressor. Oil free engines are easy to maintain and small air compressor have the added advantage of portability. Depending on the requirements and the storage space availability, a user can decide which one to choose. For household uses such as inflating tires, using air spray, etc small air compressors are the best ones to go for. For professional use, there are a lot of companies providing compressors just for professionals. Which ever be the use, do take time to find out about the air compressors by going through the air compressor review before buying one.