The most time-consuming and expensive part of owning a poodle, grooming, is important to do or have done for your dog. Good grooming is an important thing for all breeds, but for poodles, it is essential. If your poodle is well-groomed, she will look her best, and grooming helps keep her coat and skin healthy.

People often say that poodles are hypo-allergenic and non-shedding. This is partially true. Poodles do shed, but the loose hair usually stays inside the coat. To keep your poodle’s coat from matting, you need to comb and brush her a few times each week.

Poodles actually are somewhat hypo-allergenic. Most people with allergies don’t have issues with poodles, because the coat of a poodle doesn’t develop dander. That’s what usually causes the reaction when someone is allergic.

The poodle’s hair never stops growing, so she will need a full poodle grooming every six to eight weeks. You can either stay at home with your poodle, grooming her yourself, or you can have her groomed by a professional. Doing the job at home can be a task, but you might like to learn how. It will save you money, and will also give you time to build a stronger bond with your dog.

If you would like to groom your own dog, you will need to have someone teach you how to scissor and shave your poodle. If you don’t know any groomers personally, try to find a pro who might be willing to teach you. Or you can enroll in a course, or purchase a poodle grooming book or DVD.

Lots of work must go into making your dog look like the poodle she is. It takes a long time to do a thorough and correct job of poodle grooming, and you need to exercise patience. Your poodle may have to suffer through some bad hair days while you’re learning. But her hair will quickly grow back, so your mistakes will never be permanent.

Buy good tools, because wasting money on cheap tools will not give you the results you’re looking for. Buy top-quality electric clippers and scissors. A poodle grooming table can be handy because you don’t have to lean over to work on your dog, and you can equip one with a non-slip surface for the ease of both you and your dog.

If you decide to go the route of hiring a professional to groom your dog, you should observe them before you take your dog to the shop. They need to be gentle, and positive, and not speak harshly.  When you do take your dog to the salon, make sure they get along.

Word of mouth is an excellent way to select a groomer. Sometimes the best ones don’t even need to advertise, because their customers do it for them. If you haven’t found a groomer, keep an eye open at the dog park or on walks, and ask other poodle owners who grooms their dogs. Checking with your breeder or veterinarian can also be helpful. Using the internet to search dog grooming Brickell, will definitely give you several groomers to choose from.

Find a groomer that likes your dog, and one that your dog likes, too. It shouldn’t stress your pet out to spend a day at the groomers’. With proper care and attention, it could seem more like a spa day for your poodle.