Vaginal prolapse is a condition which occurs when a vagina is stretched to a point that its back or front wall bulges out when a woman makes physical movements. In other words we can simply say that it is a condition in which the structure of woman’s pelvic structure changes. It is a very discomforting condition in which the pelvic structures can protrude out of the vagina and the vaginal muscles find it difficult to keep all the organs in place.
There are many factors that can cause vaginal prolapse. In this article we are going to find out some of the main reasons of vaginal prolapse and some of the treatments available to treat this embarrassing condition.
Child Birth
There have been many theories which have ascertained that child birth is the number one reason for vaginal prolapse as it is a very common feature in women who are below 60 years of age. Giving birth multiple number of times will increase chances of suffering from this condition.
Slow weakining of ligament and muscles in the pelvic area can also result in this disorder. One can suffer from vaginal prolapse after going through some types of surgery as it aggravates the weakining of muscles.
Aging Factor
Many researches have been conducted in which it has been found out that as you grow older your chances of facing vaginal prolapse increase. This is a very clear factor because as we age our muscles loose their strength and become quite loose.
Genetical Reasons
This disorder is also genetic in nature. As it has been found that a woman who has a mother or sister who suffers from this condition has high chances of being affected by this infection.
Other Factors
Apart from these factors women who indulge in heavy lifting or suffer from constipation have high risk of facing vaginal prolapse problem.
There are a number of treatments available to treat this problem such as prolapse surgery but the best way to combat vaginal prolapse is to introduce some healthy changes in your lifestyle like loosing some excess weight, eating healthy home cooked food, avoiding smoking and abstaining from alcohol and do not lift heavy weights.
Many therapists and doctors also recommend exercises which aim at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises are called kegel exercises and are highly effective for women suffering from loose vagina problem.